Wednesday, October 11, 2006

10.11 Taize

As aways...I attended the Viators Taize. I will not miss this gift He's given us if I can help it. I did miss the OP Tiaze last Friday and that hurt. But I wanted to support the St. Joe's peeps back home at their fundraiser that same priorities are adjusted.

Taize tonight was excellent again. My parents friend Bro. Jim was part of the musical group (4) playing the flute... and what a great sound they were. I have not worn a watch in a few weeks as my watch lost battery I had no sense of time this evening and it was great...I thought the worship was not long enough but I'm certain it was exactly one hour as it always is. I could have gone for more...a tough week to say the least. The music and singing has never been better...that you for your gift to us.

Instead of praying for me, Christine, family etc. I concentrated on a few real immediate needs of friends. They need health, they need support, they need $, they need His help at this I prayed for little Ben, Laura and a child that passed away last week. His will be done.

Again, Rich was present, as if I had any doublt...even though he was on vacation. Was good to chat w/ him and a Viatorian priest I don't know--is that possible--after the service.

Again, I owe the Viatorians a great big thank you for the service. I only wish others would join me...a small invite yielded no attendees this time.

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