Friday, January 02, 2009

A great way to start 2009

1/01 is a day of peace and prayer...
but not so much in my home, so I head to the mecca, OP Taize...

...overflowing with people ...they ran out of worship aids, people were in the balcony and so many people on the alter stairs nice to see on 1/01/09.

Dominic, St. Ray's music director who usually plays flute at Taize, walked in just as it started and sat behind the music on a high step behind the alter (similar view to this picture)...& he had the absolute best view... a good reflective time for certain...
I feel that 2009 holds some new challenges and changes for all, and Taize will help calm the waters as we all seek peace in our lives...peace to you all in 2009 and beyond.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Triduum Taize

St. Ray's Taize at 3pm on Good Friday was supurb!!!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Taize reflections

It's been a while since I've shared a Taize experience...but they continue to be great times of song and quiet prayer...attending OP for 6-7 mo. while St. V's was on break--until tonight...
I want to share the special evening I experienced this night before Jennie's birthday...

I have been attending the Taize prayer service at St. Viator's near me for a couple of years now, but it has been on hiatus for over 6 mo. due to construction near the Chapel and I was so so excited to have it back! (last year it was on Jennie's birthday)

I got there early, as I always do, to ensure a good seat...past attendance has varied from as little as a couple dozen to maybe just over 50...well, this night turned out to be over a 100! peeps really missed their Taize I guess. There were a lot of HS kids on the floor etc., & the music and quiet time were amazing as usual. I told myself that I would concentrate on Jennie and her birth and Christine too...and I did. I thought of you all in KC thinking about the birthday the next day, I pictured the old days w/ Jennie at camp, I even pictured D laying in his cell at that moment...

After the service, they have a little gathering and so I chatted w/ my friend Rich and his wife...we chatted for a bit about the new Taize CD I just bought and some other things...I left after them, after I tried to find a priest friend, but he was not around.

I got in the car, backed out of the spot, and began driving...about 25 feet or so down the long long driveway and noticed that the radio was not on K-Love (Christian Station)--which I always have on and rarely change the station...and did not remember changing it on the way to the I reached for the knob to change the station the '80's song by Tommy Tutone Jenny, Jenny (867-5309) came on........I just about crashed the car/ran over Rich and his I got to the end of the long driveway and thought of how perfect that timing was, I began to cry...& not just a tear down the amazed me that I just sat for an hour in prayer thinking of her and then that song comes on...I thought about pulling over but did not... as the song ended about a 1/3 of the way home, I began to reach for the dial to change it to K-Love when the U2 song Beautiful Day came on! are you kidding me...the song we played in the car ride home when each of the girls were born...the song that played for a solid 20 minutes until we got home w/ our newborn angels--the song I can barely listen too because it reminds me of that glorious day in June '01 when we brought Christine home from the hospital...if I wasn't crying/balling hard after the 1st song, boy was I after that song started...and the song ended as I pulled up in front of the house...I sat in amazement in the car composing myself and thanking all those above who made that happen and blessed me that night...

---I know that angel Jennie was there with me that night...letting me know that she and Christine are alright and basking in His glory...& sending down those two songs back to back --wow!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Taizé again... at Ascension

Well, since Taizé was cancelled at Viators for the summer/fall...I've not been since May...really missed it in June.

So tonight I went to my large/great Taizé service at Ascension...have not been since September '06? So, it was about time to return.

I arrived at 6:40, a full 50 minutes before the start of 7:30...noticing a few others and of course noticing the church renovation had been completed. The pews replaced the chairs, the paint was complete...the whole place looked great.

I settled in the 5th pew center/right on the end...pulling out the finger rosary for a few rounds. I sat and observed those entering the Holy space, those prepping the alter with was so nice to be back there.

As the 7pm bells rang, a couple dozen were already in their pews. At 7:30 the bells rang and rang and rang...must be the 'calling' of those w/in ear shot to come to service.

The 1st song was new to me, but set the mood...Spiritus Jesu Christi. The pew became a bit crowded as I let 4 people 'squeeze' in at the 11th hour...the place was packed of course. I again was in amazement of the strength of the voices present--all there wanted to be there for sure.

The 2nd song was Nothing can ever ... come between us and the love of God...what a true song. Another newer song to me...which is good--It's been a while since I've just sat on the train and listened to Taizé songs, so hearing some new ones was good. As I sat/sang/reflected, I wondered if tears would spirits were good, so who knew. I could not foresee what would hit me when.

Well, the Alleluia with all those raising their lit candles was a start to a is so awesome to hear that song and see the crowd all in unison. The scripture, not the Gospel, did not hit most do, but Ubi caritas was so nice--a familiar song.

After the long silence, where I said a few rounds of the finger rosary, the kyrie was another classic touch. Well, the hour had really flown by...and off to the final song...This is My Song...and yet another new, I read and sung along and then I became aware of when the tears would come. The song spoke of all Gods wonder in nature and one line was perfectly timed for my life...

But other lands have sunlight too, and clover and skies are everywhere as blue as mine.

A few weeks back now on 6/16/07, my brother and I went on a long bike ride along the Mississippi a spot where Fr. Marquette landed, there was a large cross that had been erected and dedicated by Bishop Griffin (my high-school). At that site, I took a close-up picture of a clover flower ... and just two days ago, I made it the background desktop picture on thsi home PC...not sure why I did either of those things...taking a picture of it and then wating a few weeks to us it just days before I hear about it in song...oh yes, the tears were there. I've also taken a lot of suntset type pictures of the sky these last few weeks...noting the blue and orange and streaks...and noting that she is prensent in my life...thank you Christine.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Last night at the May was announced that Taize at St. Viator's has been cancelled until Oct or maybe Nov!! That announcement hurt! Gotta start checking out the other locations it still stings. I love that hour of peace.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

St. Celestine Taizé

Last night (10.20) was my first attendance at this Taizé service at St. Celestine Catholic Church. Now that I've been to more than a handful of services at various locations...I'm a bit hesitant to try something new--fear of a bad or rather 'not up to par' experience. Well, this was very peaceful but not the same as Viator’s or Ascension...but that's ok. First the technical (engineer) review...then the spiritual review.

The church is very beautiful...water fountain out from, lots of stained glass, and plenty of faithful people. I estimate that there were about 40 people there. The music and singing were nice but just nice a well tuned as the cantor and musicians at the other services I attend. The program/service included a procession up to the alter with incense...which was nice...yet another sense to enjoy besides hearing and seeing. The one complaint I have is that there was too much standing (and too bright) and then sitting back down...hard to keep in focus on prayer with all the movement. We stood for readings, which there is usually only one, but 2 here, and we stood for other parts--like the lighting of the candles...which they did a similar raising up to the alleluia...just not the same impact w/o 400 people doing it. But still a nice service.

I tried to focus my prayers and attention on others verses the usual me and makes me wonder what others come for...what peace do they seek. The long quiet time was nice...the lights were turned down and it was so it beautiful at sunset with all the stain glass.

As I walked out, I thanked the cantor, who I think was a deacon or brother. As I entered, I did notice that they ask for $ for the replenishing the candles...I must ask Viator’s if they will accept a donation for that...a donation from the Christine Memorial Fund will support that effort if they allow me to do so.

Overall it was worthwhile and I thank the people of St. Celestine for providing the very peaceful Taizé service

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

10.11 Taize

As aways...I attended the Viators Taize. I will not miss this gift He's given us if I can help it. I did miss the OP Tiaze last Friday and that hurt. But I wanted to support the St. Joe's peeps back home at their fundraiser that same priorities are adjusted.

Taize tonight was excellent again. My parents friend Bro. Jim was part of the musical group (4) playing the flute... and what a great sound they were. I have not worn a watch in a few weeks as my watch lost battery I had no sense of time this evening and it was great...I thought the worship was not long enough but I'm certain it was exactly one hour as it always is. I could have gone for more...a tough week to say the least. The music and singing has never been better...that you for your gift to us.

Instead of praying for me, Christine, family etc. I concentrated on a few real immediate needs of friends. They need health, they need support, they need $, they need His help at this I prayed for little Ben, Laura and a child that passed away last week. His will be done.

Again, Rich was present, as if I had any doublt...even though he was on vacation. Was good to chat w/ him and a Viatorian priest I don't know--is that possible--after the service.

Again, I owe the Viatorians a great big thank you for the service. I only wish others would join me...a small invite yielded no attendees this time.