So tonight I went to my large/great Taizé service at Ascension...have not been since September '06? So, it was about time to return.
I arrived at 6:40, a full 50 minutes before the start of 7:30...noticing a few others and of course noticing the church renovation had been completed. The pews replaced the chairs, the paint was complete...the whole place looked great.
I settled in the 5th pew center/right on the end...pulling out the finger rosary for a few rounds. I sat and observed those entering the Holy space, those prepping the alter with was so nice to be back there.
As the 7pm bells rang, a couple dozen were already in their pews. At 7:30 the bells rang and rang and rang...must be the 'calling' of those w/in ear shot to come to service.
The 1st song was new to me, but set the mood...Spiritus Jesu Christi. The pew became a bit crowded as I let 4 people 'squeeze' in at the 11th hour...the place was packed of course. I again was in amazement of the strength of the voices present--all there wanted to be there for sure.
The 2nd song was Nothing can ever ... come between us and the love of God...what a true song. Another newer song to me...which is good--It's been a while since I've just sat on the train and listened to Taizé songs, so hearing some new ones was good. As I sat/sang/reflected, I wondered if tears would spirits were good, so who knew. I could not foresee what would hit me when.
Well, the Alleluia with all those raising their lit candles was a start to a is so awesome to hear that song and see the crowd all in unison. The scripture, not the Gospel, did not hit most do, but Ubi caritas was so nice--a familiar song.
After the long silence, where I said a few rounds of the finger rosary, the kyrie was another classic touch. Well, the hour had really flown by...and off to the final song...This is My Song...and yet another new, I read and sung along and then I became aware of when the tears would come. The song spoke of all Gods wonder in nature and one line was perfectly timed for my life...
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover and skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
A few weeks back now on 6/16/07, my brother and I went on a long bike ride along the Mississippi a spot where Fr. Marquette landed, there was a large cross that had been erected and dedicated by Bishop Griffin (my high-school). At that site, I took a close-up picture of a clover flower ... and just two days ago, I made it the background desktop picture on thsi home PC...not sure why I did either of those things...taking a picture of it and then wating a few weeks to us it just days before I hear about it in song...oh yes, the tears were there. I've also taken a lot of suntset type pictures of the sky these last few weeks...noting the blue and orange and streaks...and noting that she is prensent in my life...thank you Christine.